The Great Freeze started just two days after I returned from the West Coast and sunny California. While I was traveling and there, I continued to work on my Buttercream Summer, but I don't feel like I made any great progress.
But since I've been home, I've been working on my Summer Solstice UFO. I would have had it finished, if my iron hadn't died. I needed to press all of the blocks to attach the sashing and cornerstones, but the iron made a terrible electric smell as I heated it up. So I immediately unplugged it, and I have moved on to a new iron I got as a birthday present 11 years ago. Then...I ran out of sashing fabric! Ughh! I was 1/4 yard short, but fortunately I found some more. It is the same star fabric I used for binding my Stars of Spring quilt, and this time, I bought the whole two yards that were left.
For now, here is the progress on quilt. All 90 blocks are complete...I just need to finish the sashing and add a blue border. I plan on working on this tonight, but if I don't post this now, it may be another month before I get it posted!