Monday, August 18, 2014

A New Normal

I spent last week trying to make lists and figure out what I wanted my new normal to look like now that both boys are in school.  Today, I actually get to try those lists out.  The clothes and dish washers are working, and I'll head upstairs to clean my bedroom and bathroom.  After that, I have to pick up toys downstairs from the littlest man's birthday that seemed to explode all over the family room.  Once those "Must Do's" are out of the way, I am free to play in my sewing room.

What's on my agenda to work on?  First, I have to pull all of my supplies for a quilting class tomorrow at The Quilting Squares.  It's a free motion technique class called "Let's Doodle".  My free motion quilting is coming along, but I need to practice, practice, practice.  I'm hoping to pick up some more pointers to make me better.

After I've pulled the supplies, I'll go back to my Spring Block a Day.  No...I'm still not finished!

Here is where I am on it:

I've had to rip out several color combinations, and even had to go buy more fabric.  I have a few more blocks to add that are in various stages of completion.  I was using this as my 'Leaders and Enders' project, but it has now become my primary project.  I really want to get it done today, so that when I get home from class tomorrow, I have something to practice free motion quilting on.

IF, I get all of that done, I will spend some time working on my Buttercream Block of the Month (Year).  It is my hand project, and great for the boy's karate classes and TV time.  If I embroider just one flower a night and spend some time Saturday morning adding the french knot embellishments, I'll be done with my current block this week.  That's my goal anyway.

Here is what it currently looks like:

Have a great day everyone.  I hope you accomplish all that you want to today.

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