I met many great ladies, and everyone's tuffet was creative and colorful. Here are just a few of the other beautiful tuffets.
What good is a trip to a new quilt store, without a purchase, especially when the whole store is 20% off? So I have a few purchases. First up, is the backing and binding for a quilt I am making for the lady I repaired the quilt for last week. This is one she can begin making new memories with now, and make it easier for her to retire the repaired quilt when the time comes. The cream is the backing and is 5 yards, and the aqua is 1 1/2 yards. It includes binding and a little extra for another project moving around in my brain.
I also picked up a few 1/2 yard cuts to compliment my black/white/gray/yellow stash for a retro quilt gone modern I want to complete later this year. The yard of white is to finish my tablerunner for a class I taught last year. Let's just say there were a few more student errors in cutting than we anticipated, and we ran out of fabric. I gave part of my demo away, and this is just what I needed to make more blocks and finish my table runner. Last but not least, is some red music fabric (2 yards) and a little green (2 1/4 yards) that will hang out in my stash until I find the perfect project.
While I was at it, I also bought a Bali Wedding Star pattern by Judy Niemeyer and extra papers for a quilt on my 'Planned Projects' list. Also pictured are the magnetic snaps needed for my Bionic Gear Bag, a spool of black to finish my tuffet, and a new blade for my cutter.
Since I want to have two matching tuffets for my playroom, I also purchased another tuffet kit. (The feet and button kit is missing from the pic.) Once finished, each boy will have their own tuffet. The fabric and pattern pieces are already cut and waiting for me to sew them together. I also bought the 2 1/2 yards of cheap muslin I needed to complete both tuffets.
Wow! I've sure had fun shopping and making tuffets! It put me back in the red for the week, but it was worth it! Thanks to sewing each night in the hotel, I have a few other projects close to being counted out. I was hoping to have them finished before I got back, but this week will work too.
This Week This Year
Used 3.25 9.91
Added 16.75 21.75
Net Added 13.50 11.84
This Week This Year
Used 3.25 9.91
Added 16.75 21.75
Net Added 13.50 11.84
Blessings until next week!