Monday, January 30, 2017

Stash Report - Week 4

This week, I got to celebrate my elder son.  Even though he was turning 12, he still wanted to go to Chuck E. Cheese.  To show he is growing up, and much to my husband's dismay, he asked for only books for his birthday.  That makes a Mommy proud!

Despite having been a busy week, I did manage to get into the sewing room all 7 days this week.  That brings me to 22 out of my 200 day goal for the year.  I am following along with Kate over at Life in Pieces.

I was able to reassess where I was on Bricks in the Barnyard by Bonnie Hunter.  I had all of the pieces made for the original quilt size in her book, but then remembered I wanted it larger.  I'm a tall gal, so I prefer to make my quilts long enough for me.  (Just in case I love the quilt so much I keep it!)  That will require about 1/3 more blocks.  I spent the week cutting them out and beginning the piecing.  I was doing pretty well, until I pressed all of the seams for one unit the wrong direction.  Oops!  I have to press them all again before I can move on.

I paused on the making of the Bionic Gear Bags for my Mom and Sister.  I decided I didn't like the zippers I had for the outside.  I really want a purse zipper with two larger pulls.  They will just make these bags a little nicer to use.  I have one, but the color isn't quite right.  I've ordered new ones, and they should be here this week.

Although none of these projects are complete, I am encouraged by the amount of progress I made.  I did have to buy the zippers, but I have been able to use what I already have for the rest of it.  Still, I have an addition for the week.  Our guild celebrated our 1st birthday.  One of our members made these cute fabric cupcakes for everyone.  So, I have the 1/4 yard addition.

I'm staying accountable by reporting in with Patchwork Times.  So my numbers for the week are:

Used This Week:  0.00 yards
Acquired This Week:  0.25 yards

Used Year To Date: 10.92 yards
Acquired Year To Date: 0.25 yards

Net Destashed Year To Date: 10.67 yards

Blessings to all,
Joy :)

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